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Publication Collaboration, compilation, and confession in Folger MS E.a.1(Taylor and Francis, 2024-11-11) McCarthy, Erin; European Research CouncilOver a forty-year period, at least five men and women transcribed texts into a quarto manuscript miscellany (Folger MS E.a.1). Anne Denton (née Willison) seems to have started compiling the manuscript around the time of her 1564 marriage to Alexander Denton of Hillesden, Buckinghamshire. Denton’s involvement with the book ended with her death two years later, but her “friends” continued to add to the volume over the next four decades. The eclectic collection is drawn from manuscript sources and printed books on a wide range of topics. Folger MS E.a.1 documents a sixteenth-century gentry family’s religious engagements and reveals the ambidextrous nature of some religious manuscript miscellanies. It also sheds new light on the emergence of an international quasi-Catholicism that challenges current scholarly categories, most notably “recusant.”Publication Reading women reading Donne in manuscript and printed miscellanies: A quantitative approach(Oxford University Press, 2018-03-12) McCarthy, Erin A.Although John Donne’s relationships with female patrons have been thoroughly documented, his works also appealed to less well-known women. This essay challenges the critical assumptions that have led to the historical erasure of many of Donne’s women readers. It begins with a quantitative survey of the contents of early modern manuscript miscellanies associated with a diverse range of ‘female agents’ whose engagements with manuscript verse took many forms. This analysis reveals that early modern women’s preferences in individual poems and poetic genres are broadly consistent with men’s and suggests that scholars should not make assumptions about anonymous manuscript compilers or the contexts from which miscellanies emerged without explicit evidence. A case study of the widely circulated Donne poem ‘Break of Day’ reveals its particular appeal to women readers in manuscript and print. Attending to the material forms in which texts circulated thus facilitates the recovery of female agents and their varied roles in early modern manuscript networks.Publication The Maid's Metamorphosis or The Metamorphoses of the Maid?(Edward's Boys, King Edward VI School, 2024) Lafont, Agnès; Reid, Lindsay AnnEssay included in the 2024 theatre programme for The Maid's Metamorphosis performed by Edward's Boys, King Edward VI School.Publication Isabella Whitney and George Turberville: Mid-Tudor Heroidean poetry and questions of precedence(Taylor and Francis, 2024-02-26) Reid, Lindsay AnnScholarship on Isabella Whitney often positions her in relation to George Turberville. Her Copy of a Letter is habitually juxtaposed with¿and oftentimes assumed to derive from¿Turberville¿s Heroycall Epistles (i.e. the earliest full translation of Ovid¿s ancient Latin Heroides to appear in English print). Further similarities have been observed between Whitney¿s Copy of a Letter and the Heroidean missives attributed to the fictive ¿Pyndara¿ in Turberville¿s roughly contemporaneous auto-miscellany Epitaphes, Epigrams, Songs and Sonets. While there are a number of provocative parallels between Whitney¿s and Turberville¿s early works, the extent of the former¿s reliance upon the latter may well be overstated in existing criticism. Reinvestigating various Whitney-Turberville connections, this essay calls renewed attention to the fact that the sequence in which The Copy of a Letter, The Heroycall Epistles, and Epitaphes, Epigrams, Songs and Sonets first reached print in the mid-1560s is hardly conclusive: it is therefore just as plausible that Whitney helped to shape Turberville¿s Ovidian aesthetics as it is that Turberville provided the pattern for Whitney¿s.Publication Social media poetics: The technological forms of alt lit poetry(John Hopkins University Press, 2022-09) Tonra, JustinPoets on Twitter often use the medium for the purposes of publication and promotion. However, writers from the Alt Lit movement have used Twitter and other social media platforms for more creative purposes. Here, I examine the presence of a social media poetics in the work of Tao Lin and Mira Gonzalez. The article highlights features of the movement which illustrate its contemporary relevance and recommend it for analysis and critique in the current moment. Close readings within the framework of lyric reading reveal shifts that occur social media posts are reworked for poetry s printed page. During this process, a solitary speaking voice invites a lyric reading, while the verse line preserves an essential formal relationship with the social media post which is concealed by the logic of lyric reading. The article positions Alt Lit writers as successors to a tradition, articulated by Charles Olson and the Beats, which linked the verse line with the poet s breath. Similar principles to those which informed these theories featured prominently in the development of the mobile communications technologies, and I argue for a distinct line which connects these poetic theories and practices, and their engagements with technology, to Alt Lit.Publication Pressing pause: Critical reflections from the history of media studies(TripleC, 2018-02-26) Dolber, Brian; Ó Baoill, AndrewThis article examines the history of the fraught relationship between the fields of media and journalism studies and the media industries in the US and UK contexts. In the US, journalism programmes were built on instituting professionalism, and media studies arose in conjunction with the demands of a growing industry. In the UK, cultural studies developed in conjunction with the need to produce a working class that could make sense of the mass media environment. Under neoliberalism, however, professionalism in both media and the academy have been undercut, while media studies programmes have expanded. We argue that a historical, political economic orientation demonstrates that media studies faculty and students are subject to many of the same institutional pressures, providing fertile ground for new pedagogical approaches.Publication Towards wide-scale adoption of open science practices: The role of open science communities(Oxford University Press, 2021-07-03) Armeni, Kristijan; Brinkman, Loek; Carlsson, Rickard; Eerland, Anita; Fijten, Rianne; Fondberg, Robin; Heininga, Vera E.; Heunis, Stephan; Koh, Wei Qi; Masselink, Maurits; Moran, Niall; Ó Baoill, Andrew; Sarafoglou, Alexandra; Schettino, Antonio; Schwamm, Hardy; Sjoerds, Zsuzsika; Teperek, Marta; van den Akker, Olmo R.; van't Veer, Anna; Zurita-Milla, Raul; Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek; European Research Council; Health~Holland; Philips ResearchDespite the increasing availability of Open Science (OS) infrastructure and the rise in policies to change behaviour, OS practices are not yet the norm. While pioneering researchers are developing OS practices, the majority sticks to status quo. To transition to common practice, we must engage a critical proportion of the academic community. In this transition, OS Communities (OSCs) play a key role. OSCs are bottom-up learning groups of scholars that discuss OS within and across disciplines. They make OS knowledge more accessible and facilitate communication among scholars and policymakers. Over the past two years, eleven OSCs were founded at several Dutch university cities. In other countries, similar OSCs are starting up. In this article, we discuss the pivotal role OSCs play in the large-scale transition to OS. We emphasize that, despite the grassroot character of OSCs, support from universities is critical for OSCs to be viable, effective, and sustainable.Publication The Judgment (and Women Problems) of Solomon in Greenes Vision (1592)(Early Modern Literary Studies, 2022-12-22) Reid, Lindsay AnnGreenes Vision: Written at the Instant of His Death (1592), a work of mock authorial repentance, has often been read alongside a range of other ostensibly expiatory pieces that Robert Greene composed around the turn of the 1590s, including Grene His Farewell to Folly, Greenes Mourning Garment, and the two-volume Greenes Never Too Late. It takes the form of a pseudo-medieval dream vision in which an inscribed Greene, apprehensive about the nature of his own literary legacy and fearing ‘future infamie’, encounters the vaunted spectres of Geoffrey Chaucer and John Gower. The bulk of the text features a war of words waged between these two medieval literary celebrities, and, for this reason, it has excited a greater degree of interest from scholars in our own time than Greene’s other, topically related pamphlets of penitence. Contemporary scholarship’s ongoing fascination with Greene’s nostalgic depictions of his Middle English predecessors has meant, however, that the presence of King Solomon – a third authorial ghost who materialises alongside Chaucer and Gower and intervenes in their literary dispute – has not received sustained consideration. This is a lacuna that I here seek to rectify. As I will argue, Solomon functions in Greenes Vision not only as a third-party arbitrator in an aesthetic battle waged between ‘Graue Laureats’ (C2r), but also as a biased and ironically deployed peace-maker in an unresolvable clash of language and signification that ultimately seems to be just as much about the nature of women as it does about the literary modes and values that Chaucer and Gower represent.Publication Trends and perspectives on digital platforms and digital t:elevision in Europe: Fragility and empowerment: Community television in the digital era.(2022) Ó Baoill, Andrew; Scifo, SalvatoreThe advent of television technologies has significantly restructured the context within which community television producers operate. Digital technologies have undercut “spectrum scarcity” arguments for limiting access to distribution platforms and opened up new paths to reach audiences. It has also, however, seen a decline in some of the regulatory structures that provided protection to noncommercial providers in eras of spectrum scarcity. The rise of the prosumer has, in its focus on production by individuals, weakened some of the underpinnings (economic and ideological) for community-based production, with consequent challenges for the sustainability of these often precarious projects. In this article, we tease out the implications of digitization for community television operators, exploring the state of the sector in the liberal North Atlantic region, and compare “traditional” community channels with “newer” channels that have emerged in the digital context in the past two decades. Our study explores the opportunities and challenges that face the sector following the transition to digital models.Publication Book history and digital humanities in the long eighteenth century(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2021) Tonra, JustinThis article examines the current state of research at the intersections of book history and digital humanities within the field of eighteenth-century studies. It addresses the popular and intellectual origins of the nexus between the book and the digital and surveys developments in this area of eighteenth-century studies in the last decade. The article examines current research trends within the field, with a particular focus on large-scale corpora and databases and the use of distant reading methods, and assesses what directions the future might hold for research in book history and digital humanities in the long eighteenth century.Publication The (lost) tune of ‘Raging Love’ and its reverberations in Isabella Whitney’s Copy of a Letter(SAGE Publications, 2020-03-30) Reid, Lindsay AnnThis article argues that Isabella Whitney s verse epistles To Her Unconstant Lover and The Admonition in The Copy of a Letter (c. 1566 67) are enmeshed more thoroughly in the early modern English soundscape than previous criticism has tended to acknowledge. Seeking to enrich current understandings of Whitney s confluences, this article first examines the vibrant musical sphere in which The Copy of a Letter s printer-publisher Richard Jones was demonstrably immersed before moving on to explore the more specific implications of an acoustically evocative allusion to Raging Love (a now-lost Elizabethan ballad melody) in the opening lines of The Admonition .Publication Impregnable towers and pregnable maidens in early modern english drama(Western Michigan University, Department of English, 2019) Reid, Lindsay AnnA young, marriageable, and implicitly pregnable woman s imprisonment in a purportedly impregnable tower (usually somewhere in Italy) is a recurrent motif in early modern English drama. Pertinent examples can be found in William Shakespeare s Two Gentlemen of Verona, Thomas Heywood s Golden Age, John Fletcher s Women Pleas d, James Shirley s Bird in a Cage, and Alexander Brome s Cunning Lovers. Attuned to the intertheatricality underpinning this set of embowered maiden plays, this article examines how architectural spaces of enforced gender segregation were repeatedly rendered insecure on the early modern English stage: people, objects, and stories were habitually depicted slipping in and out. Exhibiting a metaliterary self-awareness of their theatrical analogues as well as their relationships with non-dramatic textual traditions, these plays reiteratively highlight the inefficacy of the towers in which women have been immured to restrict their access to the wider sexual economy. Despite their commissioners intentions, such towers are never simply microcosmic worlds unto themselves, hermetically sealed from commerce with beyond. Rather, they are uniformly portrayed as permeable spaces that can accommodate or even generate movement and interaction between the world within and the world without. What is more, these maiden-containing towers of early modern dramatic tradition are decidedly hypertextual. As this article ultimately argues, Shirley s play, in particular, develops the fallible tower at its center as a recursive site of aestheticized mimesis and literary polysemy an inherently violable structure (itself seemingly pregnant with the weight of endlessly proliferating stories) that blurs apparent binaries not only between outside and inside, but also between art and life.Publication Speech, silence, and Shakespearean quotation in The Sounding (2017)(Taylor & Francis, 2019-10-25) Reid, Lindsay AnnThis article examines Catherine Eaton s The Sounding (2017). It uses the polarised critical interpretations that have emerged in response to Isabella s wordlessness in Act 5 of Shakespeare s Measure for Measure as a useful set of lenses for considering the non-normative communication strategies employed by Liv, the female protagonist in this cinematic adaptation of The Tempest. Orphaned as a child, the thirty-something Liv has been brought up in relative isolation on an island off the coast of Maine by her doting (and overtly Prospero-like) grandfather Lionel, a retired psychiatric professional. Though well-read, quick-witted, and the cultural beneficiary of her grandfather s careful tutelage, from childhood, Liv has not spoken. When she finally breaks her long years of verbal silence on foot of Lionel s death partway through the film, Liv s output proves to be exclusively limited to Shakespearean quotations much to the consternation of her emergent love interest Dr. Michael Lande. Focusing on the gender politics of silence, quotation, audibility, and canonicity in Eaton s film, the article queries, in turn, whether Liv s storyline in The Sounding is best understood as a tale of linguistic resistance and empowerment or as one of inarticulacy and patriarchal domination.Publication The cultural dynamics of reception(Duke University Press, 2020-01-01) Coolahan, Marie-LouiseThe cultural dynamics of reception are best understood as a reiterative process of reshaping and reframing. Reception as an object of critical study embraces first the history of how texts were read, disseminated, and consumed across media, languages, and geographical regions. But if this is the first port of call, such analysis quickly draws in questions about the relationship between reception and production, audience and agency, about contemporary and posthumous reputation. This special issue investigates the ways in which the act of reception is a reiterative process on a continuous spectrum with cultural production. Receivers — of texts, events, reputations — are mediators, creatively reconstituting that which they receive according to their own agendas and contemporary imperatives. The articles in this collection embrace international, comparative, and new material contexts for early modern reception studies as they address poetry, romance, letters, history, hagiography, autobiography, and literary reviews. The transnational perspectives that emerge lead from the Low Countries to Italy, Ireland to France and the Spanish Netherlands, Spain to England, and England to France. The introductory essay for the issue additionally examines recent digital projects concerned with the history of reading and reception, exploring in particular how digital resource design foregrounds questions of representation and our immersion, as critics, in the act of reception.Publication Exile, pistols, and promised lands: Ibsen and Israeli modernist writers(MDPI, 2019-09-17) Ruppo, Irina; College of Arts, Social Sciences & Celtic Studies, National University of Ireland GalwayAllusions to Henrik Ibsen's plays in the works of two prominent Israeli modernist writers, Amos Oz s autobiographical A Tale of Love and Darkness (2004) and David Grossman s The Zigzag Kid (1994) examined in the context of the Israeli reception of Ibsen in the 1950s and 1960s. To establish the variety of meanings Ibsen s plays had for the audiences of the Habimah production of Peer Gynt in 1952 and The Kameri production of Hedda Gabler in 1966, this article draws on newspaper reviews and actors memoirs, as well as providing an analysis of Leah Goldberg s translation of Peer Gynt. It emerges that both authors enlisted Ibsen in their exploration of the myths surrounding the formation of Israeli nationhood and identity.Publication ‘Out of Proportion to the Small Loss’: Productivist agriculture in the farming novels of John McGahern and Halldór Laxness(Edinburgh University Press, 2019-05) Dennis, RyanIreland and Iceland, both (semi-)peripheral islands in relation to Europe's core hegemonic capitalism, once shared similar farming systems based on small holdings and rotational grazing. Today, however, agriculture looks increasingly different in each nation, for at critical junctures their agriculture policy decisions took radically divergent paths. This paper will examine Irish writer John McGahern's That They May Face the Rising Sun and the Icelandic novel Independent People by Hálldor Laxness as farming novels that ultimately stand as responses to these agricultural policies during the periods they were made. It will contend that, given each author's experience in farming, the novels must be read as acts of political intent meant to provide warnings against productivist policies and the loss of social and rural capital they generate. In connecting these works to the specific agricultural policies enacted and practiced at the time of their writing, a form of resistance will be brought to light that has been overlooked thus far in their registration as world literature.Publication Translating Ovid's Metamorphoses in Tudor balladry(University of Chicago Press, 2019-06-05) Reid, Lindsay AnnThis article provides the first sustained overview and analysis of the reception of Ovid s Metamorphoses in sixteenth-century English ballad culture. It highlights a significant tradition of translating materials from this ancient Roman source into the stuff of vernacular song a phenomenon that can be traced back as far as 1552. Positing that popular music must have played a crucial role in shaping Tudor ideas about the Metamorphoses, this study draws attention to the textual, visual, aural, and kinetic dimensions of the Ovidiana that was regularly read, seen, heard, sung, and even danced to by early modern consumers of mythological ballads.Publication Men, women, and not quite non-persons: derivatization in Roxana(Société d’études anglo-américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, 2018) Barr, Rebecca AnneThis article argues that Roxana exemplifies a peculiarly modern mode of “derivatization”: a form of “ontological reductionism” articulated by Ann J. Cahill in which individuals are diminished to “the reflection, projection, or expression of another being’s identity, drives, fears [...] reducible in all ways to the derivatizing subject’s existence”. The essay analyses the novel’s representation of secondary characters’ stunted subjectivities and the protagonist’s exploitation of their body, agency, and consent. Reading the sexual assault on Amy as an example of Roxana’s pleasure in overriding subjective autonomy and a violent expression of her “separated capacity”, the article shows how the novel explores the social and subjective self-harm of such instrumental approaches. The article suggests that not only does derivatization characterize all of Roxana’s relations, including those with men, but that its ethical harms are also the ultimate cause of her tragically reduced selfhood.Publication Ovidian retro-metamorphosis on the Elizabethan stage(McMaster University Library Press and Becker Associates, 2018-11-02) Reid, Lindsay AnnAlthough Ovid dedicated his Metamorphoses to the subject of change, the vast majority of the corporeal alterations catalogued in this ancient Roman poem are singular, permanent transformations. In contrast, dramatists writing for the Elizabethan stage tended to represent fantastical, neo-Ovidian metamorphoses as temporary and reversible. With particular reference to the plays of John Lyly and especially Love s Metamorphosis this article exposes conceptual and generic deviations between the static post-metamorphic norm found in Ovid s Latin poetry and Elizabethan England s theatrical depictions of bodily retro-metamorphoses.Publication Diana, Dido, and The Fair Maid of Dunsmore: classical precursors, common tunes, and the question of consent in seventeenth-century balladry(Taylor & Francis, 2017-11-24) Reid, Lindsay AnnThe tragedy of Isabel of Dunsmore an English shepherd s daughter who commits suicide after being impregnated by a social superior is recounted in two similar, yet lyrically distinct seventeenth-century ballads: The Lamentable Song of the Lord Wigmoore Gouernor of Warwicke Castle and the Fayre Maid of Dunsmoore and The Fair Maid of Dunsmore s Lamentation Occasioned by Lord Wigmore Once Governour of Warwick-Castle. What is remarkable about these two ballads is that, despite commonalities in plot and even pacing, they offer divergent interpretations of a shared series of narrative events. What is more, both ballads do so by suggestively juxtaposing Isabel s story both textually and musically with varying mythological precursors: Lucrece, Diana, Callisto, and Dido. This essay seeks to untangle how these classically inspired intertexts serve to characterise Isabel and Wigmore s relationship in each ballad, particularly when it comes to the fraught issue of female sexual consent.