Atlantic dip: the impact of obesity on pregnancy outcome in glucose-tolerant women
Owens, L. A. ; O'Sullivan, E. P. ; Kirwan, B. ; Avalos, G. ; Gaffney, G. ; Dunne, F. ; ,
Owens, L. A.
O'Sullivan, E. P.
Kirwan, B.
Avalos, G.
Gaffney, G.
Dunne, F.
Repository DOI
Publication Date
Owens, L. A. O'Sullivan, E. P.; Kirwan, B.; Avalos, G.; Gaffney, G.; Dunne, F.; , (2010). Atlantic dip: the impact of obesity on pregnancy outcome in glucose-tolerant women. Diabetes Care 33 (3), 577-579
OBJECTIVE - A prospective Study of the impact of obesity on pregnancy Outcome in glucose-tolerant women. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - The Irish Atlantic Diabetes in Pregnancy network advocates universal screening for gestational diabetes. Women with normoglycemia and a recorded booking BMI were included. Maternal and infant outcomes correlated with booking BMI are reported. RESULTS - A total of 2,329 women fulfilled the criteria. Caesarean deliveries increased in overweight (OW) (odds ratio 1.57 [95% Cl 1.24-1.98]) and obese (013) (2.65 [2.03-3.46]) women. Hypertensive disorders increased in OW (2.30 11.55-3.40]) and 013 (3.29 [2.14-5.05]) women. Reported miscarriages increased in 013 (1,4 [1.11-1.77]) women. Mean birth weight was 3.46 kg in normal BMI (NBMI), 3.54 kg in OW, and 3.62 kg in 013 (P < 0.01) Mothers. Macrosomia occurred in 15.5, 21.4, and 27.8% of babies of NBMI, OW, and 013 mothers, respectively (P < 0.01). Shoulder dystocia occur in 4% (>4 kg) compared with 0.2% (<4 kg) babies (P < 0.01). Congenital malformation risk increased for 013 (2.47 [1.09-5.60]) women. CONCLUSIONS - OW and OB glucose-tolerant women have greater adverse pregnancy outcomes.
American Diabetes Association
Publisher DOI
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