Response to m krkošek, c w revie, b finstad and c d todd's comment on jackson et al. ‘impact of lepeophtheirus salmonis infestations on migrating atlantic salmon, salmo salar l., smolts at eight locations in ireland with an analysis of lice-induced marine
Jackson, D ; Cotter, D ; Newell, J ; O'Donohoe, P ; Kane, F ; McDermott, T ; Kelly, S ; Drumm, A
Jackson, D
Cotter, D
Newell, J
O'Donohoe, P
Kane, F
McDermott, T
Kelly, S
Drumm, A
Jackson, D; Cotter, D; Newell, J; O'Donohoe, P; Kane, F; McDermott, T; Kelly, S; Drumm, A (2014). Response to m krkošek, c w revie, b finstad and c d todd's comment on jackson et al. ‘impact of lepeophtheirus salmonis infestations on migrating atlantic salmon, salmo salar l., smolts at eight locations in ireland with an analysis of lice-induced marine. Journal of Fish Diseases 37 (4), 419-421
Publisher DOI
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Ireland