Structural studies on lipopolysaccharides of serologically non-typable strains of helicobacter pylori, af1 and 007, expressing lewis antigenic determinants
Knirel, Yuriy A. ; Kocharova, Nina A. ; Hynes, Sean O. ; Widmalm, Goran ; Andersen, Leif P. ; Jansson, Per-Erik ; Moran, Anthony P.
Knirel, Yuriy A.
Kocharova, Nina A.
Hynes, Sean O.
Widmalm, Goran
Andersen, Leif P.
Jansson, Per-Erik
Moran, Anthony P.
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Knirel, Yuriy A. Kocharova, Nina A.; Hynes, Sean O.; Widmalm, Goran; Andersen, Leif P.; Jansson, Per-Erik; Moran, Anthony P. (1999). Structural studies on lipopolysaccharides of serologically non-typable strains of helicobacter pylori, af1 and 007, expressing lewis antigenic determinants. European Journal of Biochemistry 266 (1), 123-131
In contrast to other Helicobacter pylori strains, which have serologically detectable Lewis(x) (Le(x)) and Lewis(y) (Le(y)) antigenic determinants in the O-specific polysaccharide chains of the lipopolysaccharides, H. pylori AF1 and 007 were non-typable with anti-Le(x) and anti-Le(y) antibodies. The carbohydrate portions of the lipopolysaccharides were liberated by mild acid hydrolysis and subsequently studied by sugar and methylation analyses, H-1-NMR spectroscopy and electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry. Compared with each other, and with lipopolysaccharides of strains studied previously, the lipopolysaccharides of both AF1 and 007 showed similarities, but also differences, in the structures of the core region and O-specific polysaccharide chains. The O-specific polysaccharide chains of both strains consisted of a short or long polyfucosylated poly-N-acetyl-beta-lactosamine chains, which were distinguished from those of other strains by a high degree of fucosylation producing a polymeric Le(x) chain terminating with Le(x) or Le(y) units: [GRAPHICS] where n = 0 or 1 in strain AF1 and 0 in strain 007, m = 0-2, 6-7 in strain AF1 and m = 0-2, 6-7 or approximate to 40 in strain 007, the medium-size species being predominant. Therefore, compared with other strains, the lack of reactivity of lipopolysaccharide of H. pylori AF1 and 007 with anti-Le(x) and anti-Le(y) may reflect the presence of a polymeric Le(x) chain and has important implications for serological and pathogenesis studies. As the substitution pattern of a D-glycero-D-manno-heptose residue in the outer core varied in the two strains, and an extended DD-heptan chain was present in some lipopolysaccharide species but not in others, this region was less conservative than the inner core region. The inner core L-glycero-D-manno-heptose region of both strains carried a 2-aminoethyl phosphate group, rather than a phosphate group, as reported previously for other H. pylori strains.
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