
Manual for the classification of intervention best-practices with rural NEETs

Bojnec, Štefan
Erdogan, Emre
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria
Flynn, Paul
Marta, Elena
Nasya, Bahanur
Paabort, Heidi
Petrescu, Claudia
Pilařová, Tereza
Bojnec, Štefan, Erdogan, Emre, Fernandes-Jesus, Maria, Flynn, Paul, Marta, Elena, Nasya, Bahanur, Paabort, Heidi, Petrescu, Claudia, Pilařová, Tereza. (2020). Manual for the classification of intervention best-practices with rural NEETs. Portugal: COST CA18213.
This manual deals with developing a methodology to assess best practices among interventions that specifically address rural NEETs, who are accepted as the most vulnerable and socially excluded segment of young citizens. We aimed to discover, develop and refine a valid set of criteria to evaluate and classify the limited number of interventions in existence and to develop a method to define best practice based on a defined number of dimensions and indicators.
COST CA18213
Publisher DOI
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