
Contemporary Research in Irish Education: Volume 3: Book of abstracts of the 5th Annual Postgraduate Research Seminar

McCauley, V. (Ed.) (2016). Contemporary Research in Irish Education: Volume 3: Book of Abstracts of the 5th Annual Postgraduate Research Seminar: School of Education, NUI Galway.
We are delighted to welcome you to the annual Postgraduate Research Seminar of the School of Education, NUI Galway. A central part of the School of Education’s recurrent Research Seminar Series, this annual research colloquium affords the School’s master and doctoral researchers the opportunity to share and discuss their research, and the broader conceptual and methodological contexts within which that research is being undertaken. Entitled Contemporary Research in Irish Education, this book of abstracts represents a large selection of the School’s current and ongoing graduate research, which engages with, and addresses important questions and topics across the three fundamental domains of educational research: innovation in methodology and teaching; professional development and leadership; and educational sciences/foundational educational research. Building on the successes of the previous seminars, and as a publication output from this year’s colloquium, this book of abstracts includes the abstracts of the presenters, synopsising their respective research focus, questions and methodologies.
School of Education, NUI Galway
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