
Thematic Event Processing

Hasan, Souleiman
Curry, Edward
Souleiman Hassan, Edward Curry, "Thematic Event Processing", In ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware conference 2014.
Event-based systems follow a decoupled mode of interaction between event producers and consumers in space, time, and synchronization to enable scalability within distributed systems. We recognize a fourth dimension of coupling due to the need for mutual agreements on terms that describe event types, attributes, and values. Semantic coupling is challenging in large-scale, open, and heterogeneous environments such as the Internet of Things (IoT). It requires event producers and consumers to agree on event semantics and can limit scalability due to the di culties in establishing such agreements. In this paper we propose a new thematic event processing approach based on enhancing events and subscriptions with terms representing their themes to clarify their domains and meanings in addition to their payload. Experiments conducted using large heterogeneous sets of smart-city and energy management events suggest up to 85% of matching accuracy at a rate of 500 events/sec of throughput. This represents around 15% improvement in accuracy and 150% in throughput over non-thematic approaches. This suggests the viability of thematic event processing to scale to environments such as the IoT.
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