
Evaluation of a competency based module in health promotion.

Pursell, Lisa
McKenna, Verna
Griffin, Barbara
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Pursell, L., McKenna, V., & Griffin, B., (2010). Evaluation of a competency based module in health promotion. Report submitted to the National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning. Galway: Health Promotion Research Centre.
The Discipline of Health Promotion at the National University of Ireland, Galway delivers a Postgraduate Diploma and Master's course in Health Promotion. While a core Research Methods module incorporates some teaching of evaluation research in health promotion, a need was identified for the further development of this component into a stand-alone module. This need was primarily driven by the development of competencies within the discipline of health promotion. Competency development within the field was a major theme of the Galway Consensus Conference (Allegrante et al., 2009) held by the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) in June 2008. At this conference a number of competency domains were identified within the discipline and the conference organisers issued a consensus statement: 'Toward Domains of Core Competency for Building Global Capacity in Health Promotion: The Galway Consensus Conference Statement', (IUHPE, April 2009). Eight domains of core competency that are required to engage in effective health promotion practice were identified: catalysing change; leadership; assessment; planning; implementation; evaluation; advocacy; and partnerships .
National University of Ireland, Galway
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