
A probabilistic approach to the simulation of non-linear stress-strain relationships for oriented strandboard subject to in-plane tension

McTigue, Antony T.
Harte, Annette M.
McTigue, Antony T. Harte, Annette M. (2011). A probabilistic approach to the simulation of non-linear stress-strain relationships for oriented strandboard subject to in-plane tension. Key Engineering Materials 478 , 54-63
This paper presents the results from an experimental test program conducted on commercially available oriented strandboard (OSB) panels and statistical analyses of the results. Standardised testing was used to determine the short-term behaviour of OSB/3 panels subjected to tension loading. A variety of thicknesses sourced from three different producers were used. Analysis of the results indicate that a quadratic expression in the form of sigma = a epsilon(2) + b epsilon provides the best description of the relationship between stress (sigma) and strain (epsilon) up to the point of failure. It has also been shown that the coefficients a and b of the quadratic regression equations are negatively correlated to each other. Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit tests were conducted on the results for tension strength and modulus of elasticity (MOE). The results indicate that the tension strength and MOE come from populations that follow either normal or lognormal probability distributions.
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