
Three essays on renewable natural resources (forestry & fisheries) management problems in the Republic of Ireland

Herath Mudiyanselage, Vidyaratne Herath
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The objective of this thesis is to answer two problems related to the provisioning of forest ecosystem services and one problem related to the provisioning of aquatic ecosystem services in Ireland through three empirical papers analysing primary data collected by two different questionnaire surveys. Chapter 1 offers background information on various types of forest and aquatic ecosystem services, the concepts of natural resources (forestry and fisheries) management, thesis objectives and structure and outputs of the thesis. Chapter 2 examines the socio-economic and property specific determinants of private landowners' firstly in deciding to plant at least some area of land ownership and secondly those determinants for deciding the percentage of land area they have planted or would plant. I found that non-pecuniary aspects, socio-economic and property specific variables of the landowner are significant in planting decisions as well as planting percentages of landownership. Next in Chapter 3, I examine NIPFs' risk attitudes to insuring forest lands against risk hazards and profile the socio-economic and property specific variables of those NIPFs who believe in insuring forests and those NIPFs who do not believe in insuring forests employing a Probit model. In addition, I profile those NIPFs who believe in insuring forests and those NIPFs who don't believe in insuring forests. Only off-farm household income and landownership of NIPFs are significant in believing in insuring forests. In Chapter 4, I estimate non-market values of recreational fishing of the general public including recreational fishing households through a face-to-face, nation-wide household survey in order to answer the current problems of recreational fishing. I found that key socio-economic variables affect the non-market value of recreational fishing of both recreational fishers and general public. The individual household welfare contribution from recreational fishing as well as total welfare in Ireland from recreational fishing was estimated. Finally in chapter 5, I explain the main findings and limitations of each chapter and suggest some high priority future directions for research.
Publisher DOI
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Ireland