
Evaluating the impact of membership of Active Retirement Ireland on the lives of older people

Ní Léime, Áine
Callan, Aoife
Ní Léime, Áine, Callan, A, Finn, C, Healy, R., (2012) Evaluating the impact of membership of Active Retirement Ireland on the lives of older people. Active Retirement Ireland, .
The purpose of the current independent evaluation is to assess o what extent is Active Retirement Ireland achieving its central aim of encouraging healthier lifestyles and enhancing well-being? Specific objectives are to assess: 1. What constitutes healthy ageing for older people? 2. What are the processes through which quality of life for older people is enhanced? 3. Does involvement in a social organisation such as ARI promote a healthier lifestyle and/or lead to enhanced quality of life in older people? 4. What are the next steps for ARI in furthering this aim?
Active Retirement Ireland
Publisher DOI
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Ireland