
Incidental findings on MRI scans of patients presenting with audiovestibular symptoms

Papanikolaou, Vasileios
Keogh, Ivan J.
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Papanikolaou, V., Khan, M., & Keogh, I. Incidental findings on MRI scans of patients presenting with audiovestibular symptoms. BMC Ear Nose Throat Disord, 10, 6.
Background:The evaluation of patients presenting with audiovestibular symptoms usually includes MRI of the internal auditory meatus, the cerebellopontine angle and the brain. A significant percentage of these scans will present unexpected, incidental findings, which could have important clinical significance. Objective: To determine the frequency and clinical significance of incidental findings on MRI scans of patients with audiovestibular symptoms. Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis of 200 serial MRI scans. Results: Gender distribution: equal. Age range: 17-82 years. One-hundred and four scans (52%) were normal and 1 scan (0.5%) demonstrated a unilateral vestibular schwannoma. Ninety-five scans (47.5%) demonstrated incidental findings. Sixty-six of these (33%) were considered of ishaemic origin and did not require further action. Five (2.5%) scans demonstrated significant findings which warranted appropriate referral; Two Gliomas (1%), 2 cases of extensive White Matter Lesions (1%), 1 lipoma (0.5%). The remaining scans demonstrated various other findings. Conclusion: Investigation of patients with audiovestibular symptoms with MRI scans revealed incidental findings in a significant percentage (47.5%). The majority of these findings were benign warranting no further action and only 2.5% required further referral. It is the responsibility of the referring Otolaryngologist to be aware of these findings, to be able to assess their significance, to inform the patient and if needed to refer for further evaluation.
Biomed Central
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