
The role of the citizen consumer: alternative consumer actvisim and the rights to health and development

Khoo, Su-Ming
Khoo, S (2012) 'The role of the citizen consumer: alternative consumer actvisim and the rights to health and development' In: Andrew Robertson; Rupert Jones-Parry(Eds.). Commonwealth Health Partnerships 2012. Cambridge, UK : Commonwealth Secretariat/ Nexus Strategic Partnerships.
This chapter draws on case-study research to show how networked consumer campaigns have shaped global health governance. It highlights the important, yet under-researched role of Southern health activism in mobilising global health rights and public health. Alternative consumer activism should be understood as an important force in global public health and health governance. It has played a crucial historical role in mobilising citizens to claim their health rights and could provide a critical future resource for bridging the gap between communicable and non-communicable diseases.
Commonwealth Secretariat/ Nexus Strategic Partnerships
Publisher DOI
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