
Exogenous mir-29b delivery through a hyaluronan-based injectable system yields functional maintenance of the infarcted myocardium

Monaghan, Michael G.
Holeiter, Monika
Brauchle, Eva
Layland, Shannon L.
Lu, Yan
Deb, Arjun
Pandit, Abhay
Nsair, Ali
Schenke-Layland, Katja
Monaghan, Michael G. Holeiter, Monika; Brauchle, Eva; Layland, Shannon L.; Lu, Yan; Deb, Arjun; Pandit, Abhay; Nsair, Ali; Schenke-Layland, Katja (2017). Exogenous mir-29b delivery through a hyaluronan-based injectable system yields functional maintenance of the infarcted myocardium. Tissue Engineering Part A 24 (1), 57-67
Myocardial infarction (MI) results in debilitating remodeling of the myocardial extracellular matrix (ECM). In this proof-of-principle study it was sought to modulate this aggressive remodeling by injecting a hyaluronic acid-based reservoir delivering exogenous microRNA-29B (miR-29B). This proof-of-principal study was executed whereby myocardial ischemia/reperfusion was performed on C57BL/6 mice for 45min after which five 10L boluses of a hydrogel composed of thiolated hyaluronic acid cross-linked with poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate, containing exogenous miR-29B as an active therapy, were injected into the border zone of the infarcted myocardium. Following surgery, the myocardial function of the animals was monitored up to 5 weeks. Delivering miR-29B locally using an injectable hyaluronan-based hydrogel resulted in the maintenance of myocardial function at 2 and 5 weeks following MI in this proof-of-principle study. In addition, while animals treated with the control of a nontargeting miR delivered using the hyaluronan-based hydrogel had a significant deterioration of myocardial function, those treated with miR-29B did not. Histological analysis revealed a significantly decreased presence of elastin and significantly less immature/newly deposited collagen fibers at the border zone of the infarct. Increased vascularity of the myocardial scar was also detected and Raman microspectroscopy discovered significantly altered ECM-specific biochemical signals at the border zone of the infarct. This preclinical proof-of-principle study demonstrates that an injectable hyaluronic acid hydrogel system could be capable of delivering miR-29B toward maintaining cardiac function following MI. In addition, Raman microspectroscopy revealed subtle, yet significant changes in ECM organization and maturity. These findings have great potential with regard to using injectable biomaterials as a local treatment for ischemic tissue and exogenous miRs to modulate tissue remodeling.
Mary Ann Liebert Inc
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