ICCL submission to the Department of Health on the deprivation of liberty safeguard proposals
O'Rourke, Maeve
O'Rourke, Maeve
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O'Rourke , Maeve. (2018). ICCL submission to the Department of Health for its consultation on the deprivation of liberty safeguard proposals (pp. 1-20). Dublin: Irish Council for Civil Liberties.
The ICCL welcomes the State’s long-overdue effort to establish legal safeguards to protect the rights of individuals who are or may be deprived of their liberty in care settings. Ireland has a long history of failing to prevent widespread arbitrary detention and mistreatment of people who depend on others and/or the State for care. The past few decades have been marked by repeated investigations into, and political and public expressions of alarm about, the State’s practice ofsupporting and allowing the care of adults and children in systems that are inadequately regulated, and in which there are weak or non-existent mechanisms for respecting individual rights and ensuring that complaints are heard and responded to. Successive governments have been pleaded with to provide sufficient alternatives to institutional care so that people are enabled to live independently and included in the community.
Irish Council for Civil Liberties
Publisher DOI
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Ireland