
Franco "Bifo" Berardi in movimento. 1964-1978

Ciuferri, Nicholas
Cap I origini-1970 Berardi tra gli ultimi bagliori del Novecento In the first chapter of my research project, I aim to analyze the political and philosophical life of Franco "Bifo" Berardi (both institutional and extra parliamentary) from the early Sixties until the very end of his political militancy with the left wing group Potere operaio. His thoughts about this time interval are published in the books Contro il lavoro (Against the work) and La nefasta utopia di Potere operaio (The illomenes utopia of Potere operaio). The innovation highlighted in this first chapter is the Compositionism, a philosophical school of thought founded by Berardi, based on the development of the philosophical thought of Operaismo (Workerism). Cap II 1970-1975 Una transizione: la rivoluzione deve essere culturale The second chapter highlights Berardi's transition from a workerism philosophy to a completely different political and militant approach that will lead to the movement of Autonomia creativa Bolognese (Bolognese creative autonomy). In his new way of thinking, revolution is still possible and pursuable if with a cultural changing. The main publication analyzed is Scrittura e movimento (Writing and movement) where the artistic avant-guards are vectors destined to create a new reality. Scrittura e movimento is compared with other more mature works such as La barca dell'amore si รจ spezzata (The love boat cracked) and Dell'innocenza (Of innocence). Cap III 1975-1978 Berardi leader dell'Autonomia creativa bolognese. Tra A/traverso, Radio Alice e Chi ha ucciso Majakovskij? nel movimento desiderante This third and last chapter investigates the success of the Bolognese creative movement under the guidance of Berardi. In this time interval, Berardi's philosophical thought, which is completely absorbed into his cultural production, is expressed throughout in his magazines. Berardi's magazine A/traverso (T/hrough) and Radio Alice (the free radio station he founded) quickly became the official voices of the Student movement. Also his first novel Chi ha ucciso Majakovskij? (Who killed Majakovskij?) rapidly become one of the symbols of the movement. In the third chapter, the innovation and influence of Berardi on the movement is explored highlighting the connection that Berardi has with the French post structuralism scene (and his interpretation of the desiring society).
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