Feasibility of storing carbon dioxide on a tectonically active margin: New Zealand
Field, B.D. ; Lawrence, M.J. ; Nicol, A. ; McNamara, David D. ; Arnot, M.J. ; Coyle, F. ; Higgs, K.E. ; Mountain, B. ; Gerstenberger, M. ; Daniel, R. ... show 2 more
Field, B.D.
Lawrence, M.J.
Nicol, A.
McNamara, David D.
Arnot, M.J.
Coyle, F.
Higgs, K.E.
Mountain, B.
Gerstenberger, M.
Daniel, R.
Repository DOI
Publication Date
Conference Paper
McNamara, David D. et al. (2015). Feasibility of Storing Carbon Dioxide on a Tectonically Active Margin: New Zealand. Paper presented at the American Association of Petroleum Geologists International Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne. September 13-15.
New Zealand's sedimentary basins was found to have available several gigatonnes of CO2 storage capacity. However, CO2 storage is currently untested in New Zealand. The country's position on an active Neogene plate boundary raises additional key factors that will influence final site selection. Some risk factors will also influence the relationship between social acceptance and the design of regulations. Despite the risks, hydrocarbon producing fields in Taranaki indicate that viable reservoir-seal pairs are likely to be present.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Publisher DOI
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