
Silica measurement with high flow rate respirable size selective samplers: a field study

Lee, Taekhee
Harper, Martin
Kashon, Michael
Lee, Larry A.
Healy, Catherine B.
Coggins, Marie A.
Susi, Pam
O’Brien, Andrew
Lee, Taekhee; Harper, Martin; Kashon, Michael; Lee, Larry A. Healy, Catherine B.; Coggins, Marie A.; Susi, Pam; O’Brien, Andrew (2015). Silica measurement with high flow rate respirable size selective samplers: a field study. Annals of Occupational Hygiene 60 (3), 334-347
High and low flow rate respirable size selective samplers including the CIP10-R (10 l min(-1)), FSP10 (11.2 l min(-1)), GK2.69 (4.4 l min(-1)), 10-mm nylon (1.7 l min(-1)), and Higgins-Dewell type (2.2 l min(-1)) were compared via side-by-side sampling in workplaces for respirable crystalline silica measurement. Sampling was conducted at eight different occupational sites in the USA and five different stonemasonry sites in Ireland. A total of 536 (268 pairs) personal samples and 55 area samples were collected. Gravimetric analysis was used to determine respirable dust mass and X-ray diffraction analysis was used to determine quartz mass. Ratios of respirable dust mass concentration, quartz mass concentration, respirable dust mass, and quartz mass from high and low flow rate samplers were compared. In general, samplers did not show significant differences greater than 30% in respirable dust mass concentration and quartz mass concentration when outliers (ratio < 0.3 or > 3.0) were removed from the analysis. The frequency of samples above the limit of detection and limit of quantification of quartz was significantly higher for the CIP10-R and FSP10 samplers compared to low flow rate samplers, while the GK2.69 cyclone did not show significant difference from low flow rate samplers. High flow rate samplers collected significantly more respirable dust and quartz than low flow rate samplers as expected indicating that utilizing high flow rate samplers might improve precision in quartz measurement. Although the samplers did not show significant differences in respirable dust and quartz concentrations, other practical attributes might make them more or less suitable for personal sampling.
Oxford University Press (OUP)
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