
Rapid review of the evidence on the effectiveness of mental health promotion interventions in low and middle income countries.

Barry, Margaret M.
Clarke, Aleisha
Barry, MM; Clarke, AM; Jenkins, R; Patel, V (2011) Rapid review of the evidence on the effectiveness of mental health promotion interventions in low and middle income countries. World Health Organisation, .
This rapid review analyses the evidence on the effectiveness of mental health promotion interventions in low and middle-income countries (LAMICs). The review provides a narrative synthesis, based on a systematic review of the evidence under four key areas; interventions targeting individuals, communities, the health sector and intersectoral actions. Searching a range of electronic databases, a total of 46 studies employing RCTs or quasiexperimental designs, were identified. Of these studies, 38 evaluating 35 separate interventions were assessed employing the Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies developed by the Effective Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP). The findings indicate that effective mental health promotion interventions which lead to improvements in mental health, and related health and social gains, can be effectively implemented in LAMIC settings. There is robust evidence concerning the effectiveness of interventions promoting maternal and child mental health and school-based programmes. There are promising findings concerning community-based interventions and the potential of intersectoral actions in LAMICs deserve further investigation and support. Evidence for the sustainability and effectiveness of these interventions when integrated into routine settings in LAMICs needs to be strengthened. The implications of the review findings for future research, policy and practice in LAMICs are discussed.
World Health Organisation
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