
Molecular origin of two polysaccharides ofcampylobacter jejuni81116

Kilcoyne, Michelle
Moran, Anthony P.
Shashkov, Alexander S.
Senchenkova, Sof'ya N.
Ferris, John A.
Corcoran, Adrian T.
Savage, Angela V.
Kilcoyne, Michelle; Moran, Anthony P. Shashkov, Alexander S.; Senchenkova, Sof'ya N.; Ferris, John A.; Corcoran, Adrian T.; Savage, Angela V. (2006). Molecular origin of two polysaccharides ofcampylobacter jejuni81116. FEMS Microbiology Letters 263 (2), 214-222
The nature of the polysaccharide molecules of the human enteric pathogen Campylobacter jejuni has been the subject of debate. Previously, C. jejuni 81116 was shown to contain two different polysaccharides, one acidic (polysaccharide A) and the other neutral (polysaccharide B), occurring in a 3 : 1 ratio, respectively. The aim of this study was to determine the molecular origin of these polysaccharides. Using a combination of centrifugation, gel permeation chromatography, chemical assays, and H-1-NMR analysis, polysaccharide B was shown to be derived from lipopolysaccharide and polysaccharide A from capsular polysaccharide. Thus, C. jejuni 81116 produces both lipopolysaccharide-like molecules and capsular polysaccharide.
Oxford University Press (OUP)
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