
Hydroxycinnamic acid amide derivatives of polyamines reverse spermine-induced CNS excitation

Bailey, Desiree
Kirby, Brian P.
Atkinson, Jeffrey
Fixon-Owoo, Solomon
Henman, Martin C.
Shaw, Graham G.
Doyle, Karen M.
Bailey, Desiree, Kirby, Brian P., Atkinson, Jeffrey, Fixon-Owoo, Solomon, Henman, Martin C., Shaw, Graham G., & Doyle, Karen M. (2015). Hydroxycinnamic acid amide derivatives of polyamines reverse spermine-induced CNS excitation. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 133, 57-64. doi:
The aim of this study was to examine the acute effect of a range of novel hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives of spermine on the development of spermine-induced CNS excitation and convulsions in female Laca mice, and to assess the chronic adverse behavioural effect profile of these compounds over a 5 day period. Four of the six novel polyamine analogues dose-dependently inhibited body tremor and tonic convulsions caused by spermine, when administered centrally (icv) or peripherally (ip). BU43b was the most potent analogue tested, but BU31b, 33b, and 36b were also effective (p
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