
Maths mission: a case study of gesture-based technology in the mathematics classroom

Mc Namara, Alison
Technology offers a new dimension to engaging students in the classroom. However, the complexities in an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) mediated environment can also bring challenges to the classroom (Chandra and Lloyd, 2008). Therefore, it is important to differentiate technologies and adopt them for specific uses within the classroom. The case study investigation is the first of its kind in Ireland on the design and implementation of a Gesture-Based Technology (GBT) game into the mathematics classroom. GBT refers to technologies that use the WiiMote, PlayStation Move or Xbox Kinect. Joining GBT and Game-Based Learning (GBL) characteristics together forms the foundational premise of this research. Three main questions were asked relating to the key design elements; the key challenges of classroom implementation; the potential of this game as a tool and the design features that informed the creation of a Gesture-Based game for the mathematics classroom. This research found that the WiiMote was the most practical device to develop a Gesture-Based game in terms of cost and benefits. In researching the design features a framework was developed – the ECG framework. The main design elements are engagement, enjoyment, relevance, confidence and collaboration. The potential of GBT integration directly depends on its ability to harness the fruitful benefits of engaging students in relevant, real world applications for the Maths curriculum in Ireland. The challenge lies in improving the ICT mediated environments to support the adoption of these technologies and maximise the benefits for the learners.
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Ireland