Prevalence and numbers ofsalmonellaspp. and enterobacteriaceae on pork cuts in abattoirs in the republic of ireland
Prendergast, D.M. ; Duggan, S.J. ; Fanning, S. ; Cormican, M. ; Gonzales-Barron, U. ; Butler, F. ; Duffy, G.
Prendergast, D.M.
Duggan, S.J.
Fanning, S.
Cormican, M.
Gonzales-Barron, U.
Butler, F.
Duffy, G.
Repository DOI
Publication Date
Prendergast, D.M. Duggan, S.J.; Fanning, S.; Cormican, M.; Gonzales-Barron, U.; Butler, F.; Duffy, G. (2008). Prevalence and numbers ofsalmonellaspp. and enterobacteriaceae on pork cuts in abattoirs in the republic of ireland. Journal of Applied Microbiology 105 (4), 1209-1219
Aims: This study aimed to determine the numbers and types of Salmonella spp. and Enterobacteriaceae on pork cuts in the meat cutting room environment of four commercial pork abattoirs in the Republic of Ireland. Methods and Results: Pork oysters (M. gluteus medius; n = 720) and swabs (n = 56) from equipment and surfaces were screened for Salmonella spp. using a DNA-based PCR method and confirmed by culture. Salmonella numbers were assessed using a three-tube most probable number (MPN) technique. Salmonella spp. was detected on 24/720 (3.3%) pork cuts (range of < 0.03-0.36 MPN g(-1)) and in 7/56 (12.5%) environmental swabs (range of < 0.03-1.10 MPN cm(-2)). There was significant variation in the prevalence of Salmonella on pork between different abattoirs and days of sampling (range of 0-31.7%). The predominant serotype was Salmonella serotype Typhimurium followed by Salmonella serotype Derby. Conclusions: Overall prevalence data conceal the key finding that there was considerable variation in the incidence of Salmonella on different days. A direct association between Salmonella contamination of pork cuts and equipment/surfaces was observed. Significance and Impact of the Study: Prevalence and numbers of Salmonella were low; however, results clearly demonstrate the potential for cross-contamination from equipment and meat contact surfaces in the cutting room environment.
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