Future research in agile systems development: applying open innovation principles within the agile organisation
Conboy, Kieran ; Morgan, Lorraine
Conboy, Kieran
Morgan, Lorraine
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Book chapter
Conboy, K., & Morgan, L. (2010). Future research in agile systems development: applying open innovation principles within the agile organisation. In T. Dingsoyr, T. Dybå & N. Brede Moe (Eds.), Agile software development: current research and future directions (pp. 223-234): Springer Verlag.
A particular strength of agile approaches is that they move away from 'introverted' development and intimately involve the customer in all areas of development, supposedly leading to the development of a more innovative and hence more valuable information system. However, we argue that a single customer representative is too narrow a focus to adopt and that involvement of stakeholders beyond the software development itself is still often quite weak and in some cases non-existent. In response, we argue that current thinking regarding innovation in agile development needs to be extended to include multiple stakeholders outside the business unit. This paper explores the intra-organisational applicability and implications of open innovation in agile systems development. Additionally, it argues for a different perspective of project management that includes collaboration and knowledge-sharing with other business units, customers, partners, and other relevant stakeholders pertinent to the business success of an organisation, thus embracing open innovation principles.
Springer Verlag
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