Multi-scale modelling and life prediction of aged composite materials in salt water
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journal article
Ghabezi, Pouyan, & Harrison, Noel M. (2024). Multi-scale modelling and life prediction of aged composite materials in salt water. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 43(3-4), 205-219.
Tidal turbine infrastructure is currently in the large-scale prototype and short-term demonstration phase. However, the immediate requirement is to develop materials, processes and long-term life predictive facilities for tidal turbine plant that has decades of operational lifetime requirements. Computational modelling is a key tool to interpret the experimental data, understand the relevant mechanisms and provide a predictive capability for the performance of aged components for industries. The goal of this paper is a prediction of the long-term life of marine-based glass/epoxy and carbon/epoxy composite laminates aged in artificial seawater with 3.5% salinity based on Arrhenius degradation theory and tensile strength retention over 180 days ageing at room temperature and 60°C. Three different analytical models (linear and exponential) were implemented to calculate time shift factors and corresponding life in a real marine environment. Additionally, multi-scale modelling has been implemented via a representative volume element approach for square and hexagonal cells, and two-step homogenization of textile composites in accordance with nanoindentation testing for matrix/resin cells and fibre constraint cells after 90 days of immersion in saltwater. In general, the multi-scale modelling in ABAQUS and TexGen4SC was able to approximate (with about 10% difference) the mechanical properties of dry and aged composite laminates.
SAGE Publications and American Society for Composites
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