Analysis of an Observational Studies - An Example Using Data from the Irish Cancer Registry
Dooley, Cara ; Hinde, John
Dooley, Cara
Hinde, John
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Conference Paper
Cara Dooley, John Hinde, John Newell, Larry Egan and Harry Comber (2011) Analysis of an Observational Studies - An Example Using Data from the Irish Cancer Registry ISI 2011
The study presented below aimed to compare survival of colorectal cancer patients against survival of a sub-population with a secondary disease, in ammatory bowel disease (IBD). The data were taken from a observational study, that is there was no explicit design. The study had many complications, but the most signi cant aspect was that the number of controls was much greater than the number of cases of interest. Some techniques are used to overcome these obstacles, including: matching of the dataset, to make the controls and cases as similar as possible at time of diagnosis, e ectively retrospectively tting a design; weighting of the data, using both the propensity score and the number of similar patients found in matching.
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