
Barnardos Family Welfare Conference Project, South Tipperary: Evaluation Report

Brady, Bernadine
Miller, Michelle
Brady, B., Miller, Michelle (2009) Barnardos Family Welfare Conference Project, South Tipperary: Evaluation Report, The Child and Family Research Centre, NUI, Galway.
The Barnardos Family Welfare Conference (FWC) service in South Tipperary was established in 2006. The service aims to improve the welfare of children and young people in South Tipperary through use of the FWC model. It operates under the remit of the Children Act 2001 as well as other policy and legislation emphasising the need for community and family based supports for young people at risk. This evaluation study was undertaken in order to provide feedback to stakeholders regarding how the service is operating and to examine the perspectives of people involved regarding its value and operation.
The Child and Family Research Centre, NUI, Galway
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