
A comparative examination of healthcare use related to hearing impairment in Europe

O'Neill, Ciaran
Xiao, Mimi
O'Neill, Ciaran, & Xiao, Mimi. (2016). A comparative examination of healthcare use related to hearing impairment in Europe. Economics. NUI Galway. Galway. Working Paper
Impaired health resulting from whatever source presents challenges to individuals and societies. These challenges can be presented in terms of an economic burden - costs and dis-utilities - that arise from the experience of and efforts to manage or resolve the health issue. Examining this burden can help us understand the magnitude and distribution of the burden within society, how it might impact different agents and what impact particular resource allocation decisions might have on these. An examination of the burden associated with impaired health can throw into sharp relief the interconnectedness of different budgets, for example, and how attempts to effect savings in one area can have unintended and potentially greater consequences in others.
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