Contribution behaviours in systems development - a position paper
Coyle, Sharon ; Conboy, Kieran ; Acton, Thomas
Coyle, Sharon
Conboy, Kieran
Acton, Thomas
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Conference Paper
Coyle, S., Conboy, K. and Acton, T. (2009). Contribution behaviours in systems development - a position paper, Irish Social Sciences Platform (ISSP) Conference, NUI Galway, December 1st-2nd, 2009
This development research paper explores concepts associated with contribution behaviours. Contribution, in its simplest context occurs in organization settings where employees share knowledge with one another. Usually, this is preceded by a request for help from a colleague however; individuals may decide to contribute in the absence of help requests for example, by preparing a generic instructions document. Contribution can also be considered from the context of influencing decision-making within project teams for example decisions will always need to be made in relation to project schedules and deliverables. Individuals can directly contribute by influencing and participating in such decisions. In reviewing the literature to-date, contribution behaviors are intrinsically linked to concepts embedded in knowledge management, in particular knowledge sharing. Therefore the literature reviewed has explored some primary elements of knowledge management literature including tacit and explicit knowledge. Decision-making process activities (of awareness, searching and matching and formulation and delivery) involved in making contributions are also discussed.
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