Review of EU airport energy interests and priorities with respect to ICT, energy efficiency and enhanced building operation
Costa, Andrea ; Blanes, Luis M. ; Donelly, Ciara ; Keane, Marcus M.
Costa, Andrea
Blanes, Luis M.
Donelly, Ciara
Keane, Marcus M.
Repository DOI
Publication Date
Conference Paper
Costa, Andrea, Blanes, Luis M. , Donelly, Ciara, & Keane, Marcus M. (2012). Review of EU airport energy interests and priorities with respect to ICT, energy efficiency and enhanced building operation. Paper presented at the International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations (ICEBO 2012), Manchester, UK, 23-26 October.
This paper gives an overview on EU airport energy interests and priorities with respect to ICT, energy efficiency and enhanced building operation. To achieve this objective the paper begins with an overview on airports role on energy consumption, then novel review of airport energy consumption figures and energy efficiency actions at the EU level is presented. The research covers also interest and requirements of two Italian airports (MXP and FCO) in relation to enhanced operation which include: sub-metering and visualization needed to better understand the end energy use, data analysis for benchmarking and correlation with operational and weather data, action management for maintenance operation support.
National University of Ireland Galway
Publisher DOI
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