Propagation of solitary waves in origami-inspired metamaterials
Zhang, Quan ; Rudykh, Stephan
Zhang, Quan
Rudykh, Stephan
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journal article
Zhang, Quan, & Rudykh, Stephan. (2024). Propagation of solitary waves in origami-inspired metamaterials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 187, 105626.
We propose a design strategy for creating origami-like mechanical metamaterials with diversenon-linear mechanical properties and capable of remote actuation. The proposed triangulated cylindricalorigami (TCO)-inspired metamaterials enable the highly desirable strain-softening/hardening and snap-through behaviors via a multi-material and highly deformable hinge design. Moreover, we couple thesenovel non-linear mechanical properties of the TCO origami-inspired metamaterials with thetransformative ability of hard-magnetic active materials, allowing for untethered shape- and property-actuation in the developed metamaterials. We develop a mathematical modeling framework for theproposed TCO origami-inspired metamaterials, building on approximating the highly deformable hingesas a combination of longitudinal and rotational springs. We validate the accuracy of the developedmathematical modeling approach by comparing the analytically predicted compressive response of a unitcell structure with the corresponding numerical and experimental results. Using the developedmathematical modeling framework, we investigate the magnetic field-induced large deformation andsuperimposed solitary wave propagation in the TCO origami-inspired metamaterial system. We showthat the proposed metamaterial allows us to tune the key characteristics of the enabled non-linear solitarywaves, including their characteristic width and amplitude. The proposed design strategy for readilymanufacturable origami-inspired metamaterial systems paves a novel path for practical engineeringapplications. Our studies also underscore the potential of magneto-mechanical interaction in the designof reconfigurable metamaterial systems with superior non-linear mechanical and elastic wave properties.
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