
Application of water quality index models to an Irish estuary

Uddin, Md Galal
Nash, Stephen
Olbert, Agnieszka Indiana
Uddin, Md Galal, Olbert, Agnieszka Indiana, & Nash, Stephen. (2020). Application of water quality index models to an Irish estuary. Paper presented at the CERI 2020 (virtual), Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, 27-28 August.
The paper investigates the application of different Water Quality Index (WQI) models for to estuarine waters. WQI models are aggregation based mathematical models that convert extensive water quality data into a single value. They typically contain four crucial components with the functions of (1) selecting parameters, (2) developing sub-index rules, (3) generating weighting values, and (4) aggregating the sub-indices. They are attractive because of their relative simplicity and ease of application. However, there is a level of uncertainty in the final aggregated indices due to the potentially large spatial and temporal variations in the input water parameter values. Here we apply seven different WQI models to Cork Harbour, an estuary on the southwest coast of Ireland. The water quality data input data included measurements of nine water quality monitoring parameters from 31 monitoring sites in Cork Harbour. The spatial uncertainty of the WQI models was estimated based on the standard deviation of the computed indices. The spatial uncertainty of the input water quality data was also determined and compared with that of the WQIs for any correlation
Civil Engineering Research Association of Ireland (CERAI)
Publisher DOI
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Ireland