
Experimental assessment of MRI-induced temperature change and SAR distributions in phantoms

Blackwell, J.
Van der Putten, Wil
Tuohy, Brendan
Colgan, Niall
Blackwell, J. , Van der Putten, Wil , Tuohy, Brendan , & Colgan, Niall (2017). Experimental assessment of MRI-induced temperature change and SAR distributions in phantoms Paper presented at the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) Conference in MR Safety Update, York, England, 14 November.
During an MR procedure, most of the transmitted RF power is transformed into heat within the patients’ tissue resulting from resistive losses, referred to as the specific energy absorption rate(SAR) (2). The EU standardisation has mandated that all scanners must measure SAR in patients and develop system safeguards to ensure that the limits(IEC60602-3-33) are not exceeded. Accurate estimation of SAR is critical in safeguarding patients who may be unconscious/sedated, have implants or are pregnant. Modern MRI systems can easily exceed safe SAR levels (1) requiring the independent verification of manufacturers SAR estimations.
NUI Galway
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