
SESA: Emerging Technology for Service-Centric Environments

Vitvar, Tomas
Zaremba, Michal
Zaremba, Maciej
Moran, Matthew
Fensel, Dieter
Tomas Vitvar, Michal Zaremba, Maciej Zaremba, Matthew Moran, Dieter Fensel "SESA: Emerging Technology for Service-Centric Environments", IEEE Software, 24(6), 2007.
Service-oriented architectures - and particularly the Web service technologies that enable them, such as WSDL (Web Services Description Language) and SOAP - are widely acknowledged for their potential to revolutionize computing. However, existing SOAs will prove difficult to scale without a proper degree of automation. SOAs' success depends on resolving fundamental challenges that existing SOA technologies don't sufficiently address: search, integration, and mediation. Extending service-oriented architectures with semantics can help create service-centric information systems that better adapt to changes throughout software systems' lifetime.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
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