
Review: Bloomsbury Spirit, Artepelag

Byrne, Anne
Byrne, Anne. (2018). Review: Bloomsbury Spirit, Artepelag. Virginia Woolf Miscellany, 94, 28-31.
Review essay of Art Exhibition: Bloomsbury Spirit, Artipelag, March 23-September 30 2018. Curated by Ingela Lind, Bo Nilsson and Frida Andersson (main exhibition). Fashion curator, Cay Bond. Garden curator, Ia Schildt. Technician, Johann von Geijer, Lighting, Gert-Ove Wågstam. Seminars, Kristina Lindemann. Mediation and digital work, Samuel Lind. Exhibition catalogue editor: Frida Andersson. Bloomsbury group artworks were loaned from the following collections: Charleston Trust, the Courtauld Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, the Tate, Victoria and Albert Museum and the Swedish Dansmuseet, Museum of Performing Arts, National Museum of Science and Technology and Eva Bonnier.
International Virginia Woolf Society
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