
Dieting among schoolchildren in Ireland. HBSC Ireland Research Factsheet No. 6.

Callaghan, Mary
Callaghan, M. & The HBSC Ireland Team. (2012) Dieting among schoolchildren in Ireland. HBSC Ireland Research Factsheet No. 6. Fact Sheet
HBSC Ireland 2010 has found that 13.2% of children report that they are currently on a diet (9.7% of boys and 16.9% of girls). This figure has remained stable since 2006. The percentage of children dieting is higher among girls than boys (16.9% of girls vs. 9.7% of boys) and this figure increases with age (9.8% of 10-11 year olds, 12.5% of 12-14 year olds and 15.2% of 15-17 year olds). The percentage of children dieting is highest among girls aged 15-17 years old (21.6%). Children who report dieting are less likely to live with both parents, find it easy to talk to their parents or like school and they are more likely to report feeling pressured by schoolwork. Dieting in this factsheet refers to children who report that they are on a diet or doing something to lose weight at present.
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