Practical Strategies for Coping with Child-to-Parent Violence: The Non Violent Resistance Programme in Practice
Lauster, Eileen ; Coogan, Declan
Lauster, Eileen
Coogan, Declan
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Lauster, E., Quinn, A., Brosnahan, J., Coogan, D. (2014) 'Practical Strategies for Coping with Child-to-Parent Violence: The Non Violent Resistance Programme in Practice'. Irish Probation Journal, 11 (Oct):208-221.
Child to parent violence (CPV) is an emerging problem that is coming more frequently to the attention of practitioners in a wide variety of settings. This paper describes the ways in which the Probation Service and Le Chéile in the Limerick Young Persons Probation region implemented the Non Violent Resistance (NVR) programme as a response to CPV. The goal of the programme was to address the parents' expressed needs to reduce the violent and controlling behaviour of their children in the home. Parents needed a programme that gave them practical strategies for coping with CPV violence. We describe how the practitioners in Limerick came to find the NVR programme and how they adapted the programme based on the parents feedback from a previous parenting programme and during the NVR programme. We reflect on whether the goal of practical strategies for coping with CPV was reached by the programme end and suggest how this approach could be useful in future practice. Throughout the paper the authors share quotes from parents who attended the NVR programme in Limerick.
The Probation Service
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