
DigCompEdu and the Professional Development of Teachers in Higher Education, Report and Recommendations from the CUTE (Erasmus+) Project

MacLaren, Iain
Concannon, Fiona
DigCompEdu and the Professional Development of Teachers in Higher Education, Report and Recommendations from the CUTE (Erasmus+) Project, December 2022.
A review was undertaken of the development of the digital competences of those who teach in higher education, focusing specifically on the use and value of the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu). Through a set of actions and stakeholder consultations in all the partner institutions (and countries) of the Erasmus+ Competences for Universities - using Technology in Education (CUTE) consortium. New, practical tools for scoping and co-creation of active forms of professional and skills development, self-assessment, and institutional strategy were developed and shared openly. A series of senior stakeholder summits and active webinars provided insight into perspectives on academic professional development, the role of technologies, and identified potential means of enhancing and refining DigCompEdu itself.
CUTE - Competencies for Universities - using Technology in Education
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