Embankments over blanket peat in Co. Donegal: Interpretation of piezometer data
McCabe, Bryan A ; Buggy, Fintan J ; Fattahi Masrour, Farimah
McCabe, Bryan A
Buggy, Fintan J
Fattahi Masrour, Farimah
Repository DOI
Publication Date
conference paper
McCabe, Bryan A., Buggy, Fintan J., & Fattahi Masrour, Farimah. (2024). Embankments over blanket peat in Co. Donegal: Interpretation of piezometer data, Paper presented at the 44th International Association of Hydrogeologists (Irish group) Annual Conference, Tullamore, Ireland, 16-17 April.
A recent road improvement scheme on the N56 near Glenties, Co. Donegal, involved the staged construction of a surcharged embankment over blanket peat, enabling the peat to be left in place. This paper focusses on the interpretation of the pore pressure regime in the underlying peat during and after construction. The substantial peat strains induced by the embankment rendered buoyant the portion of the embankment that settled beneath the groundwater table and required assumptions to be made about piezometer positions. Additional assumptions necessary to arrive at coefficients of consolidation and permeabilities are presented. A hypothesis is proposed to explain the elevated long-term pore pressures noted at two of the instrument cluster locations.
International Association of Hydrologists (IAH) Irish Group
Publisher DOI
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