
Partial l-moments for the analysis of censored flood samples / utilisation des l-moments partiels pour l’analyse d’échantillons tronqués de crues

Bhattarai, Keshav P.
Bhattarai, Keshav P. (2004). Partial l-moments for the analysis of censored flood samples / utilisation des l-moments partiels pour l’analyse d’échantillons tronqués de crues. Hydrological Sciences Journal 49 (5), 855-868
A parameter estimation method is proposed for fitting the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution to censored flood samples. Partial L-moments (PL-moments), which are variants of L-moments and analogous to "partial probability weighted moments" are defined for the analysis of such flood samples. Expressions are derived to calculate PL-moments directly from uncensored annual floods, and to fit the parameters of the GEV distribution using PL-moments. Results of Monte Carlo simulation study show that sampling properties of PL-moments, with censoring flood samples of up to 30% are similar to those of simple L-moments, and also that both PL-moment and LH-moments (higher-order L-moments) have similar sampling properties. Finally, simple L-moments, LH-moments, and PL-moments are used to fit the GEV distribution to 75 annual maximum flow series of Nepalese and Irish catchments, and it is found that, in some situations, both LH- and PL-moments can produce a better fit to the larger flow values than simple L-moments.
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