
Synchronization Issues for Smart Grids

Corcoran, Peter M.
Melvin, Hugh
Corcoran, P. and Melvin, H. (2011) Synchronization Issues for Smart Grids ENERGY 2011, The First International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies
The loss of time synchronization across a Smart Grid due to local A/D and D/A conversion processes between the digital domain and the analogue control domain is considered. It is shown that a local calibration can be implemented to enable a determination of clock skew in individual analog sub-systems. Given this information two correction strategies are explained, one based entirely on network-side modification of the control signal data stream. A second approach is based on modification of the control signal on individual client sub-systems allows use of a multi-cast control signal and facilitates both local and global synchronization of the control signals.
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