In silico modelling to assess the electrical and thermal disturbance provoked by a metal intracoronary stent during epicardial pulsed electric field ablation
González-Suárez, Ana ; Pérez, Juan J. ; O’Brien, Barry ; Elahi, Adnan
González-Suárez, Ana
Pérez, Juan J.
O’Brien, Barry
Elahi, Adnan
Repository DOI
Publication Date
González-Suárez, Ana, Pérez, Juan J., O’Brien, Barry, & Elahi, Adnan. (2022). In Silico Modelling to Assess the Electrical and Thermal Disturbance Provoked by a Metal Intracoronary Stent during Epicardial Pulsed Electric Field Ablation. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease, 9(12), 458.
Background: Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) ablation has been recently proposed to ablate cardiac ganglionic plexi (GP) aimed to treat atrial fibrillation. The effect of metal intracoronary stents in the vicinity of the ablation electrode has not been yet assessed. Methods: A 2D numerical model was developed accounting for the different tissues involved in PEF ablation with an irrigated ablation device. A coronary artery (with and without a metal intracoronary stent) was considered near the ablation source (0.25 and 1 mm separation). The 1000 V/cm threshold was used to estimate the `PEF-zone¿. Results: The presence of the coronary artery (with or without stent) distorts the E-field distribution, creating hot spots (higher E-field values) in the front and rear of the artery, and cold spots (lower E-field values) on the sides of the artery. The value of the E-field inside the coronary artery is very low (~200 V/cm), and almost zero with a metal stent. Despite this distortion, the PEF-zone contour is almost identical with and without artery/stent, remaining almost completely confined within the fat layer in any case. The mentioned hot spots of E-field translate into a moderate temperature increase (
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