
Incorporating Ethics and Social Responsibility in IS Education

Lang, Michael
Harris, A., Lang, M., Yates, D. & Kruck, S. (2011) 'Incorporating Ethics and Social Responsibility in IS Education'. Journal of Information Systems Education, 22 (3):183-189.
This paper discusses the importance of ethics and social responsibility in information systems (IS) education. The many public scandals of corporate misconduct have increased the need for more emphasis to be placed on ethics and ethical issues in IS education. The authors describe how the inclusion of ethics and social responsibility in the IS curriculum enhances IS education and discuss the core issues to be addressed, including: professional conduct, privacy, intellectual property, cybercrime, impact on humans, freedom of speech, and ¿Green¿ computing issues. The authors also introduce the papers presented in this special issue papers and challenge IS educators to increase their emphasis on ethics and social responsibility in their classes.
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