
Contemporary research in Irish education: Volume 6: Book of abstracts of the 8th Annual Postgraduate Research Seminar

Keane, Elaine
Mac Ruairc, Gerry
Connolly, Cornelia
Hall, Tony
Keane, Elaine, Mac Ruairc, Gerry, Connolly, Cornelia, & Hall, Tony (Eds.). (2019). Contemporary research in Irish education: Volume 6: Book of abstracts of the 8th Annual Postgraduate Research Seminar: School of Education, NUI Galway.
We are delighted to welcome you to the 8th Annual Postgraduate Research Seminar of the School of Education, NUI Galway. A central part of the School of Education s recurrent Research Seminar Series, this annual research colloquium affords the School s master and doctoral researchers the opportunity to present their research to colleagues and peers. The seminar furthermore provides opportunities to share and discuss the School of Education s graduate research, and the broader conceptual and methodological contexts within which that research is undertaken. This book of abstracts is the sixth in the series, Contemporary Research in Irish Education. As in the previous publications, this year s book of abstracts includes synopses of current and ongoing graduate research within the School of Education, NUI Galway. The research summarised in the 2019 Book of Abstracts engages with and addresses salient questions and topics in contemporary educational research, both in Ireland and internationally. Building on the successes of the previous seminars, and as a publication output from this year s colloquium, this book of abstracts includes the programme for the School of Education s 2019 Postgraduate Research Seminar and abstracts of the presenters, outlining their respective research questions, methodologies, data collection and analysis. We would like again to congratulate the presenters in the seminar this year and their supervisors, and to thank all involved in organising this evening s event, particularly those colleagues who are chairing the respective parallel sessions. We look forward to an interesting, insightful and productive discussion and sharing of contemporary, critical educational research.
School of Education, NUI Galway
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