Empowering translation of new ideas - A EIT Health ClinMed Summer School overview
Ribeiro, Sofia ; Ricci, Mariachiara ; Von Der Lieth, Albert ; Bayon, Yves ; Zeugolis, Dimitrios I. ; Pelayo, Sylvia ; Marque, Isabelle ; Pazart, Lionel
Ribeiro, Sofia
Ricci, Mariachiara
Von Der Lieth, Albert
Bayon, Yves
Zeugolis, Dimitrios I.
Pelayo, Sylvia
Marque, Isabelle
Pazart, Lionel
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Conference Paper
Ribeiro, S.; Ricci, M.; Von Der Lieth, A.; Bayon, Y.; Zeugolis, D.; Pelayo, S.; Marque, I. and Pazart, L. (2019). Empowering Translation of New Ideas - A EIT Health ClinMed Summer School Overview.In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 5: ClinMed, ISBN 978-989-758-353-7, pages 603-610. DOI: 10.5220/0007696606030610
Translational research training is crucial to convert academic research ideas into efficient real-life solutions. In this paper a summer school supported by EIT Health is presented. Its main goal is to integrate clinical knowledge in the development of new medical devices, from ideas to post-market approval, in the clinics. Students were immersed in clinical centres where they had close contacts and engaged discussions with clinicians and patients to identify and assimilate clinical unmet needs. From this immersive stage resulted innovative solutions that were further investigated with the support of plenary lectures and by interaction with experts of the medical field, from clinicians to Medtech company representatives. This experience proved to have a positive impact on the student’s understanding of the clinical development life cycle from research findings or new ideas into medical devices.
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