Improving customer decisions using product reviews: CROM - Car Review Opinion Miner
Dabrowski, Maciej ; Acton, Thomas ; Jarzebowski, Przemyslaw ; O'Riain, Sean
Dabrowski, Maciej
Acton, Thomas
Jarzebowski, Przemyslaw
O'Riain, Sean
Repository DOI
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Conference Paper
Dabrowski, M., P. Jarzebowski, et al. (2010). Improving customer decisions using product reviews: CROM - Car Review Opinion Miner. 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies. Valencia, Spain, Springer.
Online shopping is a very goal-oriented activity. Consumers have a set of preferences for a product or service that is used as criteria for assessment of the available alternatives. However, crucial information about products is often available as text reviews. Finding a product with specific features is extremely timeconsuming using the typical search functionality found in existing shopping sites. In this work we propose a method for the seamless integration of unstructured information from product reviews with structured product descriptions using opinion mining. We demonstrate our method through shopping for a used car based on 148240 car reviews. Evaluation results using a user study and simulations show that the technique enables customers to assess more product characteristics and potentially make better decisions.
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