A framework for access to the conservation–restoration profession via the mapping of its specialist competencies
Hutchings, Jeremy ; Corr, Susan
Hutchings, Jeremy
Corr, Susan
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Hutchings, Jeremy; Corr, Susan (2011). A framework for access to the conservation–restoration profession via the mapping of its specialist competencies. Higher Education 63 (4), 439-454
The paper describes how specific descriptors for the Conservation-Restoration profession have been developed by the European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers' Organizations. The result of which is in accordance with the threefold rubric of Knowledge, Skills and Competence as defined by the European Qualifications Framework. Instead of giving a broad general description of level, which is insufficiently expressive, concept mapping has been used to explicitly uncover the topography of Knowledge, Skills and Competence required for access to the profession. The application of this method, originally developed by Novak in 1972 to enhance learning in the sciences, demonstrates that it is possible to elucidate the complex nature of such professions using such a declarative system. Its hierarchical nature and the ease with which links between different elements can be identified aid the construction of an intellectually robust framework, thereby demonstrating its appropriateness. The results suggest that access to the profession can be presented as a framework of interconnected cognitive competencies, which can be expressed as a structural process where each element possesses an individual level of skill and knowledge.
Springer Nature
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