Financial Industry Ontologies for Risk and Regulation Data (FIORD): a position paper
Koumpis, Adamantios
Koumpis, Adamantios
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Conference Paper
56. J. McCarthy, L. Vasiliu, A. D. Grody, C. Muckley, D. Lawrence, F. Zervoudakis, S. Tabet, J. van Grondelle, T. Bouras, K. Fernandes, T. Krintas, P. Xidonas, K. Chourdakis and A. Koumpis (2013) Financial Industry Ontologies for Risk and Regulation Data (FIORD) a position paper . In: Luis M. Camarinha-Matos & Raimar J. Scherer eds. 14th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises PRO-VE 13 Collaborative Systems for Reindustrialization , Dresden, Germany, 30 Sep-2 Oct 2013
This paper presents a proposed approach to address risk andregulation management within the highly active and volatile financial domainby employing semantic based technologies within a collaborative networksenvironment. Firstly the problems and motivation are introduced, with accenton big data and high frequency trading issues that are creating major problemsto the current software systems. Secondly the state of the art on Big Data,Regulation and Risk Management are presented. Next the FIORD platformarchitecture is detailed and the envisioned approach explained. Finallyconclusions are presented where benefits for real time monitoring areemphasized so high frequency trading irregularities are detected in real time forthe benefit of involved financial institutions.
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