
Epidemiology of gestational diabetes mellitus according to IADPSG/WHO 2013 criteria among obese pregnant women in Europe

Egan, A. M.
Vellinga, Akke
Dunne, Fidelma
Egan AM,Vellinga A,Desoye G,van Poppel MNM,Simmons D,Dunne FP,DALI Core Investigator Grp (2016) 'Epidemiology of gestational diabetes mellitus according to IADPSG/WHO 2013 criteria among obese pregnant women in Europe'. Irish Journal Of Medical Science, 185 :369-369.
Accurate prevalence estimates for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) amongst pregnant women in Europe are lacking due to the use of a multitude of diagnostic criteria and screening strategies in both high-risk women and the general pregnant population. Our aims were to calculate the prevalence of GDM in early, mid and late gestation in a cohort of women with BMI ≥29 kg/m2 across 11 centers in Europe using the IADPSG/WHO 2013 diagnostic criteria and to report pregnancy outcomes and important risk factors for GDM.
Springer Verlag
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