'It sort of widens the Health word': evaluation of a health promotion intervention in the youth work setting.
Hodgins, Margaret M.
Hodgins, Margaret M.
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Hodgins, M. & Swinburne, L. (2008). 'It sort of widens the Health word' evaluation of a health promotion intervention in the youth work setting. Youth Studies Ireland, 3(1), 30-44
Defined as a place or social context in which people enage in daily activities in which environmental, organisational and personal factors interact to effect health and well-being, youth organisations clearly qualify as appropriate settings for health promotion, a fact which is recognised in the National Health Promotion Strategy (2000). This study presents the results of an evaluation of the Health Quality Mark (HQM), a settings-based health promotion intervention in youth organisations currently facilitated by the National Youth Health Programme (NYHP). The study employed qualitative data, and focused on impacts as perceived by stakeholders and on process factors, including the strengths and weaknesses of the process operated by the NYHP in implementing the HQM, perceived benefits and/or disadvantages of participating in the HQM, and the appropriateness of the criteria in the award.
Youth Studies Ireland
Publisher DOI
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Ireland